Monday, January 25, 2010

the world's saddest looking snowman.

the kids love him, and he is kinda cute in an odd sort of way.
he looks more like a snow ghost or something(think the green guy from ghostbusters), but that's ok, the kids were very rpoud to make him. still not sure if Jason and i want to admit that we helped with him though.
in our defense, the snow was sticky, but not "rollable" and it made it hard to make a traditional man. not that the kids mind at all.
the looks on their faces shows that they don't care that mommy and daddy don't have snowman skills, they were just happy to have the help, and we were happy to give it to them

Friday, January 22, 2010

kinda funny

ok, its really funny and i have to put this out there for others to watch/listen/see.

it is the funniest, and sweetest and yet still kinda meanest thing i have seen online in a while.

i have to say, this is not a lady i would want to upset. if she does this out of love, i would hate to see what she does for spite......
i have even started to follow this blog since after reading past pots, you just wanna read what he says next!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

oh the weather outside is.........beautiful.

it is like insanely warm out for the middle of winter here today. and has been for the last few days.
there is snow on the ground, but not that much where the kids are taking steps and falling into the abyss of snow in the yard.

they all wanted to go out today so here are a couple shots of them. this was jsut after they got out. by the time they came in their little cheeks were pick, their noses red.

matty is still at the age where just wandering around is fun for him, . although he did manage to get stuck in the ride in car a couple times. the snowsuit kinda bulks him up again.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

get your updates here!

well with so much goingon the last week i figured i would give a couple updates....

haley is still loving her new school, and she is also loving her new rom. we were finally able to get her room in the basement finished and she moved down there this past weekend.
it is bright, and colorful, and bright, and cheerful, and did i mnetion that it was BRIGHT?! it is more like a girls rooms, then a little girls room, and i think that is why she loves it so much.

sarah started her new preschool on monday and they are jsut thrilled at how well adjusted to the new routines she is. they say it is like she has been there for a long time, and the kids love to play with her. she even wants to bring a couple of them home to play with when i pick her up!

matty had his stitches removed this morning. it was quick, painless, and not nearly as bad as i thought it would be. the doctor said he did great, and the fact that nothing healed over the stitches made it alot easier. after a purple sucker, he was ready to go. and of course everyone in the elevator knew why we were there, thanks to sarah!

well i have to get going now, it is almost lunch time, and the locals are gettng antsy for some yum yums. i believe PB&J is on the menu. gotta run, i hear the pantry door being opened and if im not the one doing it, who knows what will come out of it......

Sunday, January 10, 2010

ahhh, the joys of little boys...

well my first taste of emergency room visits has been given to me.

Jason and i were in the kitchen cleaning up after breakfast when all of a sudden there was a thump and a huge cry. now we have heard both those sounds many times in this house and so we went in to see what happened thinking this was no more terrible then when sarah walked into the front door the other morning.
well were we ever wrong. poor matty had a nice gash about an inch long on the top of his forhead that was bleeding something nasty. it took forever to get the blood to slow down, and as soon as i could see it better, off to emerg we went.

we has so great the whole time, the nurse was really sweet to him and we were able to get in within 20 mintues to see the doc tor. after a quick look, we found out that stictches were to be had. he was having lots of fun looking at the people pass by and saying hi and bye to them as they passed. sometimes when someone would see him down there they would wave and matty would smile.
after 30 minutes of hanging around the room waiting for the numbing cream to kick in. and having matty say "let's go" at least a thousand times, we got our stitches in.

it was sad to watch but cute at the same time. you see they wrap him up like a "baby burrito"-he looked just like he did when he was so very tiny so long ago. he did great throughout the whole ordeal and only said OWIE quietly once while the first stitch went in. after the bandage and the popscicle arrived he was good as new.....mommy not so much.

the bandage comes off tomorrow and the stitches have to be removed on thursday, so when i can get a pick of the stitches, i'll post for all to see.

so at the age of two matty got his first battle scar of his life and the poor little boy will come to remember that it was his sister who gave it to him a long time ago when she pushed him away for touching her dollhouse, and not from some great stunt or something else really cool.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

mini updates

well Haley has been at her new school for two days now and so far so good. everyone in her class made her a welcome card, and she is keeping them next to her bed for now so she can read them over and over again.

she says the kids are all very nice and she says her teachers are funny. she even has pj day and hot dog day for lunch on friday. how's that for a great end of the week? she also has afield trip on tuesday that she is really excited about. sarah will be starting at the prschool attached to haley's school on monday and she cannot wait to get there.

my kids really do surprise me sometimes, and i am so proud at how well they have adapted to major changes in their lives!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

its been a while

its been a while since i posted some pictures of the kids from around the house, so here are a few that i thought were cute...

Monday, January 4, 2010

big changes

well it only took 4 days in the new year to announce a change in our family....... haley will be going to a new school starting tomorrow. it is french immersion and a small school so she will not be going into a huge classroom which is nice. sarah will also be going to a new preschool starting next week that is attached to haley's new school. both girls are thrilled to start and make new friends and haley is excited that she will now eat lunch in a lunch rooom and doesn't have to wear uniforms anymore. the simple things in life are the most important i guess. sarah didn't really care where she was going as long as she could still go to school.

the reason for the switch part way through the year?

well with my starting school and the kids being the ages they are, we wanted to make their transitions as easy as possible. we thought that my being away all day, and a new school, and new routines with new people all at the same time might be a little too hard on them. and saving some money at the same time isn't such a bad thing either.....
so wish us luck with all the new buzz going on around here. we have lots of work to get haley caught up in her french but if she can learn hebrew with no help from mom and dad, then french should be a snap since she has all the help she needs right at home!

we'll let you know how things are going.

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Happy new year to our wonderful families and friends.
We hope that your holiday season went off without a hitch and that the new year is greeting you with health and happiness.
our new years was pretty low key. we decided to stay home with the kids and just hang out. not much different than what we normally do i guess, but it was fun none the less.
we ordered chinese.....again... and watched a cute movie with the kids.

With a new year comes many changes, a new blog background for one. and my starting school after a 10 year absence from the classroom. at least i have a few months to get ready for that one.
the kdis will get older as kids do and although we are not sure of what all the changes we might have will be, we know they are coming and the only thing we can do is wait until they show up. good or bad that is what makes us the way we are. the same goes for all of you out there too.......

have a great start and finish to this year, and we'll be seeing you soon, or we'll be letting you know what's going on right here. either way, we're thinking of you all!