Monday, January 4, 2010

big changes

well it only took 4 days in the new year to announce a change in our family....... haley will be going to a new school starting tomorrow. it is french immersion and a small school so she will not be going into a huge classroom which is nice. sarah will also be going to a new preschool starting next week that is attached to haley's new school. both girls are thrilled to start and make new friends and haley is excited that she will now eat lunch in a lunch rooom and doesn't have to wear uniforms anymore. the simple things in life are the most important i guess. sarah didn't really care where she was going as long as she could still go to school.

the reason for the switch part way through the year?

well with my starting school and the kids being the ages they are, we wanted to make their transitions as easy as possible. we thought that my being away all day, and a new school, and new routines with new people all at the same time might be a little too hard on them. and saving some money at the same time isn't such a bad thing either.....
so wish us luck with all the new buzz going on around here. we have lots of work to get haley caught up in her french but if she can learn hebrew with no help from mom and dad, then french should be a snap since she has all the help she needs right at home!

we'll let you know how things are going.

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