Sunday, January 10, 2010

ahhh, the joys of little boys...

well my first taste of emergency room visits has been given to me.

Jason and i were in the kitchen cleaning up after breakfast when all of a sudden there was a thump and a huge cry. now we have heard both those sounds many times in this house and so we went in to see what happened thinking this was no more terrible then when sarah walked into the front door the other morning.
well were we ever wrong. poor matty had a nice gash about an inch long on the top of his forhead that was bleeding something nasty. it took forever to get the blood to slow down, and as soon as i could see it better, off to emerg we went.

we has so great the whole time, the nurse was really sweet to him and we were able to get in within 20 mintues to see the doc tor. after a quick look, we found out that stictches were to be had. he was having lots of fun looking at the people pass by and saying hi and bye to them as they passed. sometimes when someone would see him down there they would wave and matty would smile.
after 30 minutes of hanging around the room waiting for the numbing cream to kick in. and having matty say "let's go" at least a thousand times, we got our stitches in.

it was sad to watch but cute at the same time. you see they wrap him up like a "baby burrito"-he looked just like he did when he was so very tiny so long ago. he did great throughout the whole ordeal and only said OWIE quietly once while the first stitch went in. after the bandage and the popscicle arrived he was good as new.....mommy not so much.

the bandage comes off tomorrow and the stitches have to be removed on thursday, so when i can get a pick of the stitches, i'll post for all to see.

so at the age of two matty got his first battle scar of his life and the poor little boy will come to remember that it was his sister who gave it to him a long time ago when she pushed him away for touching her dollhouse, and not from some great stunt or something else really cool.

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