Thursday, November 19, 2009

school updates

just a quick note to let you all know. Haley and Sarah had their first parent teacher interviews of the year this morning. it was proven today that they are officially my children.
of course i knew that already. in technical terms of course.

no, what i mean is that sitting there at the meeting, i finally understood what my parents were hearing about me all those years. my kids are very social. VERY social. in Sarah's case that is a great thing. i mean the whole purpose of junior kindergarten is to develop social attitudes. she is "one popular little girl" according to her teacher.

now Haley is also very social but in her case she is a little too social. it's great to have lots of friends, i admit. recess would be very sad if she was lonely. no Haley doesn't wait for recess to come along to talk talk talk, she does it at all times.

my teachers used to say the same thing about me. i was the social butterfly. i even had a teacher ask me how i could hear what my friends were saying to me, because i was talking at the same time.
let's face it, anyone who knows me to this day will tell you i talk alot, i always have. and it appears that out of all the things my children could have inherited from me, they seem to be inheriting the worst ones........they do look a lot like me though, and let's face it, i am the cute parent!

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