Thursday, October 22, 2009

wish me luck today

well, today is only Thursday and the kids are already finished school for the week. that means that for the next two days(really four but those last two, Jason is home) i have to entertain the kids enough to stop them from arguing every minute of the day.

you see, Haley thinks it is hysterical to tell Sarah no about things that are so trivial just to watch Sarah go crazy in a tantrum until i come and in and say Haley leave your sister alone. and i you think she is a victim in this, then your wrong. you see, Sarah thinks it is funny to do the exact same thing to Matty that Haley does to her.. the cycle goes on and on and on.

and no, one would think that Matty is Innocent, but he too is guilty of driving his mommy batty (Halloween coming and all, i thought the term was appropriate) he gets his jollys climbing on things he shouldn't, following his sisters around the house until they get annoyed and come to me, and the best part, chasing the dogs around until they finally just run away and stay hidden until he goes for a nap.

Jason doesn't always see that in them since he is at work all day, and when he comes home it's like a novelty so they behave at least for a little while.

as i said, please wish me luck, and if the candy rings and easy bake cookies that the kids make late today turn out, well i will just have to post the pictures to show off their skills :)

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