Thursday, October 15, 2009


at what point does it get sad that our children have better social lives then we do??

i think i am nearing that point quite rapidly in life. as i write this, the kids have just come home from school, are eating dinner, and we have to be out the door in one hour to make it to swimming on time.
if this were the only day of the week, it would be nothing, but on mondays and tuesdays we have soccer and/or dance. that makes three days a week we are out for the kids.

then just in the last week, we have been to or invited to 6 birthday parties. they are even getting more parties then i am. lets not forget the playdates that are popping up, and those are just at random with only a day or so's notice.

i remenber when my social life was like that. plans made on the fly, friends with birthday parties you couldn't miss.
it has all ended for us in this house, Jason and I are now slaves to the busy bees that are our children, and you know what, i am so tired at the end of the day, but it is all worth it to see them when i pick them up from a friend's, or when they wake up in the morning and i inform them of their evening activities.

i guess we'll get a life when they grow up and have kids of thei own, i'm only 28, i still have time when that happens. unless of course the grandkids come soon after, then i will be right there all over again.

besides who wants to spend their time with an old man anyways :)

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