this was just to good to pass up showing!
sometimes life gets a little too busy. we started this blog as a way to keep friends and family close by.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
pumpkin time!
ok so not the carving of the pumpkin time....yet. it's too early and they might rot, and then what fun would they be then??
no no, we went and picked the kids pumpkins this afternoon. there is a little farmer's place we go to every year. it never takes us long, so the kids can't get tired looking for the perfect one. let's face it, the perfect one at their ages is the first one.
except for sarah this year, she was determined to get a small pumpkin because as she puts it "i am small". any one who has seen her will atest to that fact, so it took us a little longer this year to pick the bad boys of fall, but we finally got it done, and even matty had fun running down the greenhouse looking around.

so here they are picking them out, and later this week after we carve them out (anyone have a minnie mouse stencil for pumkpins out there???), i will post the kids proudly showing off their halloween staples.

and of course i will have pictures of the kids and Jason and i in costume, maybe even a few pictures of the decorated living room
no no, we went and picked the kids pumpkins this afternoon. there is a little farmer's place we go to every year. it never takes us long, so the kids can't get tired looking for the perfect one. let's face it, the perfect one at their ages is the first one.
except for sarah this year, she was determined to get a small pumpkin because as she puts it "i am small". any one who has seen her will atest to that fact, so it took us a little longer this year to pick the bad boys of fall, but we finally got it done, and even matty had fun running down the greenhouse looking around.
so here they are picking them out, and later this week after we carve them out (anyone have a minnie mouse stencil for pumkpins out there???), i will post the kids proudly showing off their halloween staples.
and of course i will have pictures of the kids and Jason and i in costume, maybe even a few pictures of the decorated living room
Thursday, October 22, 2009
wish me luck today
well, today is only Thursday and the kids are already finished school for the week. that means that for the next two days(really four but those last two, Jason is home) i have to entertain the kids enough to stop them from arguing every minute of the day.
you see, Haley thinks it is hysterical to tell Sarah no about things that are so trivial just to watch Sarah go crazy in a tantrum until i come and in and say Haley leave your sister alone. and i you think she is a victim in this, then your wrong. you see, Sarah thinks it is funny to do the exact same thing to Matty that Haley does to her.. the cycle goes on and on and on.
and no, one would think that Matty is Innocent, but he too is guilty of driving his mommy batty (Halloween coming and all, i thought the term was appropriate) he gets his jollys climbing on things he shouldn't, following his sisters around the house until they get annoyed and come to me, and the best part, chasing the dogs around until they finally just run away and stay hidden until he goes for a nap.
Jason doesn't always see that in them since he is at work all day, and when he comes home it's like a novelty so they behave at least for a little while.
as i said, please wish me luck, and if the candy rings and easy bake cookies that the kids make late today turn out, well i will just have to post the pictures to show off their skills :)
you see, Haley thinks it is hysterical to tell Sarah no about things that are so trivial just to watch Sarah go crazy in a tantrum until i come and in and say Haley leave your sister alone. and i you think she is a victim in this, then your wrong. you see, Sarah thinks it is funny to do the exact same thing to Matty that Haley does to her.. the cycle goes on and on and on.
and no, one would think that Matty is Innocent, but he too is guilty of driving his mommy batty (Halloween coming and all, i thought the term was appropriate) he gets his jollys climbing on things he shouldn't, following his sisters around the house until they get annoyed and come to me, and the best part, chasing the dogs around until they finally just run away and stay hidden until he goes for a nap.
Jason doesn't always see that in them since he is at work all day, and when he comes home it's like a novelty so they behave at least for a little while.
as i said, please wish me luck, and if the candy rings and easy bake cookies that the kids make late today turn out, well i will just have to post the pictures to show off their skills :)
Friday, October 16, 2009
they have arrived

the pictures of the girls that i had taken a few weeks ago have finally arrived!!
this is just a quick post to share them with friends and family. i have some other poses of them too, but we don't want to overcrowd the blog, now do we. 

i think considering that they gave each other haircuts 1 hour prior to the appointment, then photos look great. but then again, i am biased as they are mine!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
at what point does it get sad that our children have better social lives then we do??
i think i am nearing that point quite rapidly in life. as i write this, the kids have just come home from school, are eating dinner, and we have to be out the door in one hour to make it to swimming on time.
if this were the only day of the week, it would be nothing, but on mondays and tuesdays we have soccer and/or dance. that makes three days a week we are out for the kids.
then just in the last week, we have been to or invited to 6 birthday parties. they are even getting more parties then i am. lets not forget the playdates that are popping up, and those are just at random with only a day or so's notice.
i remenber when my social life was like that. plans made on the fly, friends with birthday parties you couldn't miss.
it has all ended for us in this house, Jason and I are now slaves to the busy bees that are our children, and you know what, i am so tired at the end of the day, but it is all worth it to see them when i pick them up from a friend's, or when they wake up in the morning and i inform them of their evening activities.
i guess we'll get a life when they grow up and have kids of thei own, i'm only 28, i still have time when that happens. unless of course the grandkids come soon after, then i will be right there all over again.
besides who wants to spend their time with an old man anyways :)
i think i am nearing that point quite rapidly in life. as i write this, the kids have just come home from school, are eating dinner, and we have to be out the door in one hour to make it to swimming on time.
if this were the only day of the week, it would be nothing, but on mondays and tuesdays we have soccer and/or dance. that makes three days a week we are out for the kids.
then just in the last week, we have been to or invited to 6 birthday parties. they are even getting more parties then i am. lets not forget the playdates that are popping up, and those are just at random with only a day or so's notice.
i remenber when my social life was like that. plans made on the fly, friends with birthday parties you couldn't miss.
it has all ended for us in this house, Jason and I are now slaves to the busy bees that are our children, and you know what, i am so tired at the end of the day, but it is all worth it to see them when i pick them up from a friend's, or when they wake up in the morning and i inform them of their evening activities.
i guess we'll get a life when they grow up and have kids of thei own, i'm only 28, i still have time when that happens. unless of course the grandkids come soon after, then i will be right there all over again.
besides who wants to spend their time with an old man anyways :)
Saturday, October 10, 2009
ok, so the fact that i posted a couple days ago is not lost on me at all, but i thought that you would all like to see what we went to bed seeing last night. we were supposed to expect about 5 cm of the white stuff, and we got it all.
nice huh?
these were just taking at the beginnning of the evening, but this morning there was much more of it, but at least by this afternoon, alot of it had melted, and it looks like the rest might be gone by tomorrow night too.
so in case you think it's cold where you are, just be thankful that there is no snow in your yard.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
so i have just finished sorting out the mitts, and hats and what nots for the winter ahead, and i cannot believe how many missing gloves there are in my house. where have they all gone since the spring. it's almost like they heard that we are expecting a nasty winter so they took off on an extended vacation to california or something. lucky.
so now i have to buy more gloves, but don't worry, we have lots of scarves. like 8. who needs 8 scarves, no one ever loses those right? and i even have an abundance of hats for the kids. none for myself, why set a good example for my kids. if my ears fall off, i can just tell them thats what happens when you don't listen to mommy.
and somehow these items have all gotten dirty in the closet, so i have to wash them all. at least the laundry room smells like downy and cheer.
here are a couple ictures of sarah in the previously mentioned new hat set that she got today, i tried to get some of matty in his but that was a wash.
winter's a creepin'
ok, so today i had to break down and buy some new mitts and hats for the kids. and why do you ask was that needed to be done today??
well, because it is now supposed to snow tomorrow. thats right.... SNOW!
i still have to run out and buy haley a new snowsuit since she has outgrown hers from last year, and we all know that i can't buy her a new hat and mitts and boots until i buy her the suit, since everything has to match.
sarah was so excited to wear her new mitts and hat, mommy was not so excited to have to put them on her. now matthew on the other hand, hated wearing the hat(that's my boy) and showed me that i am in for a very long winter of off, on, off, on......
well i should get going, i have to bury myself into the closet to pull out the old winter coats and find the matches to mittens i know are in there, and get everything ready forthe next 6 months.... summer we hardly saw you and your already gone.
the visit better be longer next time.
well, because it is now supposed to snow tomorrow. thats right.... SNOW!
i still have to run out and buy haley a new snowsuit since she has outgrown hers from last year, and we all know that i can't buy her a new hat and mitts and boots until i buy her the suit, since everything has to match.
sarah was so excited to wear her new mitts and hat, mommy was not so excited to have to put them on her. now matthew on the other hand, hated wearing the hat(that's my boy) and showed me that i am in for a very long winter of off, on, off, on......
well i should get going, i have to bury myself into the closet to pull out the old winter coats and find the matches to mittens i know are in there, and get everything ready forthe next 6 months.... summer we hardly saw you and your already gone.
the visit better be longer next time.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
movies and costumes
so this morning we went to buy sarah her costume for halloween. she is going to be minnie mouse, and i have to admit that she looks pretty stinkin' cute in it!
no one will see her though until we go trick or treating....
i do have one little comment to make though, who in the world thought it made sense to make the shoes that match the costume, high heeled?!?!?! i mean come on, she is three, and the smallest size is 2, that means that a two year old is expected to wear these shoes while walking several blocks at night carrying a heavy load of junk around. needless to say we did not buy the shoes, and we are paying the price of it, since sarah has not stopped asking us to go back to the store and buy them, she simply thinks that we forgot, and no matter what we tell her, she will continue to think that we "forgot"
on a fun note.... Jason has finally agreed to wear a costume this year with me while we take the kids out. i am too giddy about, and can't wait to post the pictures of the whole family dressed up together.
as for the movie part of the post, we are going to sit down and watch monsters vs aliens tonight...... after the kids go to bed. lol!
no one will see her though until we go trick or treating....
i do have one little comment to make though, who in the world thought it made sense to make the shoes that match the costume, high heeled?!?!?! i mean come on, she is three, and the smallest size is 2, that means that a two year old is expected to wear these shoes while walking several blocks at night carrying a heavy load of junk around. needless to say we did not buy the shoes, and we are paying the price of it, since sarah has not stopped asking us to go back to the store and buy them, she simply thinks that we forgot, and no matter what we tell her, she will continue to think that we "forgot"
on a fun note.... Jason has finally agreed to wear a costume this year with me while we take the kids out. i am too giddy about, and can't wait to post the pictures of the whole family dressed up together.
as for the movie part of the post, we are going to sit down and watch monsters vs aliens tonight...... after the kids go to bed. lol!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
happy october everyone!
i know i seem to be posting at the speed of light lately, but i couln't pass up the chance to say buh-bye to september, and hello to october.
Halloween will soon be upon us, and this weekend the decorations are going up. since we decided to do a mini party at our place in a few weeks, the interior will also be highly decoarated too. i am soooooooo excited.
i can't wait to post the pics of the kids in thier costumes. Haley and sarah are getting antsy to wear them. haley especially since she knows it is in the house. matty could care less, but i'm sure when the candy and chips get here, he might be a little more enthused.
fall has arrived and it is chilly here, if it's chilly where you are, bundle up and get ready for colder days to come.
Halloween will soon be upon us, and this weekend the decorations are going up. since we decided to do a mini party at our place in a few weeks, the interior will also be highly decoarated too. i am soooooooo excited.
i can't wait to post the pics of the kids in thier costumes. Haley and sarah are getting antsy to wear them. haley especially since she knows it is in the house. matty could care less, but i'm sure when the candy and chips get here, he might be a little more enthused.
fall has arrived and it is chilly here, if it's chilly where you are, bundle up and get ready for colder days to come.
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