Friday, July 9, 2010


isn't it funny how the grass is always greener on the other side?

when i was home all day with the kids, i would pray for time alone. time to read, nap, get out and do what i wanted, and eat what i wanted.
fast forward 7 years, and my wish has come true, and yet here i sit, on a friday morning, all alone, wishing i had the kids here to keep me busy......
funny how life can go sometimes....

as for a few updates:
haley spent 2 nights away at her favorite cousin kari's house. after hearing about all the fun she had, i am surprised she even wanted to come home. picking her up yesterday brough back lots of memories of my own childhood, since i spent alot of time in the summer at kari's grandma's house. and i also had so much fun, i was surprised i wanted to ever go home.

sarah is still doing great at "school" and does everything she can to make sure we know she is there. and although they fight all the time, sarah wanted haley to come home so bad because she missed her big sister. awwwwwwwww!

matty is adjusting to daycare like a champ. he is making friends all over the place, taking it all in, and making me so proud to me his mommy.

as the summer starts ticking away, i am hoping to learn to enjoy my free time (since we all know i will soon have none) and spending my time with the kids when i can.

i hope you all enjoy your summer as much as i plan to.